Free Yourself From The Contractor Trap
Read this before making your first overseas hire
The story almost always begins the same way. Your company has decided that 2021’s business strategy will involve at least one venture overseas. But without a local subsidiary or branch office, you cannot legally employ a person in-country, make payroll tax payments, or provide statutory benefits.
If your chosen option is hiring the candidate as a ‘contractor’ until other arrangements are made, there are some ‘gotcha’ moments in the process that can create a series of complex problems for you.
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Download this guide to ‘Free Yourself From The Contractor Trap’ by Globalization Partners for a comprehensive overview on how to hire globally and remain compliant. Packed with examples, real-life scenarios and actionable takeaways, this whitepaper will ensure you’re in the know on:
- The difference between an employee and a contractor, per international tax and HR advisors
- The risk and liabilities for employers on: Payments, income tax disclosure, termination of services, and more.
- How to control your contractor risk conversion to ‘employee’ and benchmarking an appropriate salary.
- Working with global Employer of Record (EORs) to identify legal and compliant solutions to hire directly and get to market faster
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