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2021 Global Workforce Trends

How you respond to the unprecedented is your true indication of success

How could we have prepared better for 2020? It was the question on the minds of many throughout the early months of the pandemic.

But now, we know the answer: Preparation was impossible. How individuals, leaders, and companies respond to the unprecedented is the true indication of success.

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So as we welcome 2021, download this whitepaper by Globalization Partners for research and insights that can prove useful in building a resilient workforce strategy, such as:


  • Talent deficit in established markets: Nine out of 10 developed nations, such as the US, Canada, Russia, Japan, and Australia, may face a talent shortage in 2021
  • Talent surplus in emerging markets: The supply of college-educated professionals in countries like India and Indonesia may force a global shift in where industrialised nations look for highly skilled talent.
  • The highest in-demand skills: As companies embrace remote-first workplaces, the understanding of global markets, and the ability to manage diverse employees are expected to be the top two hottest skills.

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