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The Complete Guide to Building a Remote Global Team

Whitepaper / 2020

All trends show that distributed, flexible, and now, global teams are the future, and they’re certainly the answer to creating business resilience in times of crisis.

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Download the latest whitepaper by Globalization Partners for a comprehensive overview on why and how you should build a remote, global team in 2020 and beyond. Packed with research data, insights and powerful action items, this whitepaper will make sure you’re up to speed on: 


  • The logistics of adding an international team member to your workforce – Legal, tax, and compliance challenges. 
  • Finding talent who will thrive in a remote environment – What you can do differently to make your job listings stand out to the highest performers. 
  • Managing people effectively across time zones and cultures, with limited face-to-face interaction as an added complexity.  
  • Intentionally building a supportive, connected and strong culture, especially when the team is distributed and diverse. 

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